Eligibility: Any student who has attended a workshop with John Corwin and has a completed the first draft of their 10-minute play.
Fees: This program is free of charge. All fees (including room and board) are covered by The National High School Institute.
To Apply: Go to https://forms.soc.northwestern.edu/nhsiplaywrite/ or call
(847) 491-3026 for details.

Since 1931, the National High School Institute, a nonprofit organization, has brought outstanding students to Northwestern University’s Evanston campus for intense pre-college educational experiences.
Students are affectionately known as “Cherubs,” a name given to them by Dean Ralph Dennis whose goal, “to bring together gifted young people and superior teachers in an atmosphere of affection, knowledge, and trust,” is still upheld today.
The oldest and largest university-based program of its kind, NHSI offers studies in Theatre Arts, Film & Video, Debate, and now, an exciting new program in Playwriting.

Northwestern University’s National High School Institute is proud to announce a Two-Week Intensive Playwriting Program for High School students.
- Surround yourself with students and faculty that share your passion.
- Experience college life on Northwestern’s beautiful lakeside campus.
- Receive focused attention and feedback from experienced faculty.
- Develop your scripts into a final staged reading open to the public.
Playwriting students will be incorporated into the NHSI Film & Video Program, living and working with students and faculty for the first two weeks of the Film Institute in Foster Walker Residence.
- 7:30 am – 8:15 am – Breakfast – Foster Walker Dining Hall
- 8:30 am – 12:30 pm – Core Classes
Core classes for Playwriting students is a continuation of the pre-institute workshops where students will work to shape their first draft scripts into a stage ready draft.
- 12:45 pm – 1:30 pm – Lunch – Foster Walker Dining Hall
- 1:45 pm – 5:15 pm – Electives
A wide variety of electives are offered each summer. Students will choose and be enrolled in two elective courses, which will meet every day for two weeks. Students will have an opportunity to explore a variety of storytelling medium.
- 5:45 pm – 6:45 pm – Dinner – Foster Walker Dining Hall
- 7:00 pm – 10:30 pm – Lectures, Screenings and Rehearsals for Staged Reading
Students will work with actors and directors in the evening to rehearse and prepare for Final Staged Readings of their work.

On free nights, students will attend Guest Lectures, Masters Classes and Film Screenings along with Film Institute students.
This schedule will be followed seven days a week, shifting to accommodate field trips, guest lectures, and leisure activities as needed.
I would tell [future Cherubs] to get ready for the experience of their lives. It is a ton of work and dedication. But it pays off. I came out of the Cherubs program a different person. It completely changed my life.”
-2016 Cherub